Tag: 10 things that make me happy

Thursday, March 25, 2010
A little while ago the lovely Karin from Romika's Nails tagged me for Ten Things that Make Me Happy.
This is such a nice tag and I like that I now have to think about all the things that me me happy so I can choose ten of them. Thinking about things that make me happy already makes me happy! Thank you so much for that Karin!

Here is my list of Ten Things that Make Me Happy
( ofcourse these are in random order and the content of this list can change faster than I change my mani's, there are so many things tht make me happy, I had a hard time choosing only ten )

1. All the people I love. My mother, best friends, boyfriend and ofcourse my sister, they are all wonderful exraordinary persons who make me happy and make my life complete.

2. My lovely cats. A house without cats is not my home. I have two Maine Coons, Azrael and Lilith. Unfortunately my first Maine Coon Lucifer passed away 15 months ago, I still miss him. Azrael is his son, 6 year old, HUGE red boy of 11 kilo (24 lbs). Lilith is new to my home, she's mine since two weeks, 1 year old, very slender gray-black girl of max 3 kilo (8 lbs). Can talk about them for hours, days... so I'll stop now so I can start with nr 3

3. The sun. Oohhh how I love the sun. I love how she feels on my skin, how she makes everything ( and everyone ) look better, she gives me tons of energy and she makes me happy. I especially love the sunny day's I can wear my Ipanema flipflops ( yes flipflops, either you love them or you despise them, ) and show off my bright coloured toenails.

4. My Lowlands-tickets. An hour after I bought my Lowlandstickets it was on the news that the tickets were sold out in a record of time! 60.000 tickets sold in two weeks and there is no line-up yet! I'm so lucky! For the people who don't know Lowlands: it's the biggest 3-day outdoor festival in the Netherlands.

5. My beautiful home. In december 2008 after a very long relationship I moved to my own home. It's a place where I feel happy and at ease. Everything in it has been chosen and bought by me or with the help of people I love. I'm a proud princess in my own little castle.
6. Shopping, especially Sale-shopping. Shopping is great, I enjoy the entire experience and I love it even more when there is discount involved. There's something about knowing you paid (at least) half of the original price, it doesn't feel like you are spending money, no, you saved money!

7. Lazy Sunday. I work full-time, after work I often meet with friends, go to the gym, go to the bar, etc. On sunday I love doing nothing. In the winter I like to spend my Sundays watching movies or play bordgames with the BF, polishing my nails etc. Just stay in home. In the summer I love hanging in the park and have a picknick, have a stroll in the city, doing nothing special but enyoying my freetime.

8. Laughing. Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh? I love to laugh, to have fun with people and an innocent little prank every now and then ( like painting the BF's toes hotpink when he falls asleep ). I can laugh until the tears run down my cheeks. If that doesn't make me happy, I don't know what will.

9. Food and drinks. If possible both at the same time. I enjoy eating with friends, going out to a restaurant or when my BF has prepared a nice meal for me. And with food goes a fine wine, or cocktails, or a beer, or all of them yes, I indulge often in food and drinks.

10. Everyone who reads this. Yes, you make me happy. I'm talking to you. I'm just a girl who likes to talk alot and has a passion for nailpolishes. In this blog I can combine these two and there are actually people who I can share this with. I'm so glad you are here to read my stories and watch the polishes I'm wearing. I have over 50 followers now, thats amazing. Some of you even leave comments to share your opinions with me. That's amazing. That makes me happy.

So here you have it, the ten things that make me happy at this moment.

And I tag the following people to share their Ten Things That Make You Happy.
I'm sorry to bother you if you were already tagged...I did my best to choose bloggers who weren't.

Tips to Toes
My Kinda MakeUp

I posted the entire list in English because If I had to do it in both English and Dutch I'd be typing till Chrismas :-)

Hopefully you enjoyed this happy post. Thank you so much for reading!