Okay, it's probably me and the summery weather that make me think of barbecueing when I look at this polish. The black polish with flakies that look like glowing hot choals make my mouth water!

Zwart jelly basis met flakies die afhankelijk van het licht veranderen van oranje, naar geel en soms naar groen. Ik kan er naar blijven kijken, het is fascinerend.
Black jelly base with flakies that depending on the lighting change from orange to yellow and sometimes green. I can't stop looking at it, it's fascinating.

Nfu.Oh 60 is een jelly, dus ik zou erg veel lagen nodig hebben voor een dekkend resultaat. Daarom draag ik hier twee lagen over één laag Misa I will Survive ( zwart creme ), ik heb daarna een laag Seche Vite opegedaan. Nfu.Oh heeft een hele fijne applicatie, de flakies verdelen gelijkmatig en de lak blijft lang en mooi zitten, na 4 dagen nog geen beschadigingen.
Nfo.Oh 60 is a jelly so I would've need lots of coats to get it opaque. That's why I wore it over one coat Misa I Will Survive ( black creme ) and I finished with a coat of Seche Vite. Nfu.Oh has a great application, the flakies disperse evenly and the wear of this polish is amazing, no chips after 4 days.

And just look at the pretty bottle, the cap and the bottle are beautifully decorated.

On this picture you see at the rightside of the bottle a beautiful rainbow in the flakies

On these last two pictures you see the polish after four days wear. I removed the polish later that day because I wanted to wear another polish, but I easily could have done a few more days with it.

Nfu.Oh is a bit more difficult to buy and it's a bit more expensive, but I think they are worth it because they are really special. Also the bottle is not only really pretty, it's also really big, there's more polish in it then in a OPI.

Thank you all for reading!
Love to you all.