It's Queensnight ( tomorrow it's Queensday, but we start partying tonight ), my nails are neon-orange (see here) but before I hit the town I would like to share my totally failed, but still fun try-out Queensday-mani with you.

De reden dat het mislukt is komt doordat ik te veel rode en blauwe nagellak had gebruikt waardoor draden lak meekwamen toen ik het plakbandje eraf haalde. Deze draden landden op de witte lak en lieten deze mooie vlekken achter.
I told you it was a total fail!!!
The reason it looks messy like this is because I used too much red and blue polish, so when I removed the tape threads of polish came off and landed on the white.
( FYI - Our national flag has red, white and blue stripes)

I wish everyone a great evening, no matter what you're doing.