It's been beautiful and sunny weather the past few days. And what do you do when the sun comes out? Yes, you grab those holo's! So last weekend I wore China Glaze OMG. This was my very first holo, my sister bought it for my birthday and it was the most amazing thing in polish I'd ever seen. So I love to share this polish with you, eventhough everyone has seen it before.

Zonder zon: licht zilver, een beetje matte, niet zo bijzonder
Met zon: alle kleuren van de regenboog en nog een paar kleuren extra, heel spectaculair, ik kan niet stoppen ernaar te kijken en mijn nagels in de zon te bewegen.
Without sun: light silver, a bit dull, not that special
With sun: every colour of the rainbow and then some, very spectacular, can't stop looking at my nails and turning them back and forth in the sunlight.

De lak is vrij dun, dus je hebt minimaal 3 lagen nodig voor een dekkend resultaat. Ook moet je tussen de lagen door de lak goed laten drogen omdat je anders de lak van de onderste laag wegveegt waardoor er een kale plek ontstaat. Maar de lak droogt heel snel dus dat kost niet heel veel extra tijd.
The polish is a bit thin so you'll need at least 3 layers to get it opaque. Be careful to let the layers dry in between because otherwise you swipe away the coat underneath and you have a bald spot in the polish. The polish dries really quickly so it doesn't take much more time.

On this picture you see the plish without direct sunlight. Pretty boring, but that's why I only wear this in the summer and then only when I know I'll be sitting in the sunlight.

Do you own this polish? I'm very curious about your opinion of this polish and if you wear it often.