When I saw the first swatches of Zoýa's Sparkle Collection I immediately knew I needed Charla. This polish has two things I love most in a polish: a green/blue colour and glitters. Today I found her in my mailbox and I already have pictures for you!
Een groen.blauwe kleur vol met kleine glittertjes die in het licht veranderen van groen, naar blauw, naar goud en naar zilver...ahhh ze is magisch! Als je kijkt naar de close-up zie je dat de glittertjes meer hele fijne flakies zijn.
A green/blue colour filled with tiny glitter that shift in the light from green, blue, gold and silver...ahhhh she's magical. If you look at the close-up you can see that the glitters are more like tiny flakies.

De lak is erg dun, op de foto draag ik 4 lagen omdat de macro onvergevelijk is en erg veel vnl liet zien. Als ik er geen foto's van had moeten maken dan waren 3 lagen ook goed geweest. De lak drupte een beetje van het kwastje, maar lakte wel fijn.
The polish is very sheer, I'm wearing 4 coats on these pictures because the macroshot is unforgiving and showed lots of vnl. If I didn't have to take pictures I would have done 3 coats. The polish was a bit runny but application was nice.

Online I've seen other women describe this polish with mermaids and I totally agree, she's magical, she's aqua coloured, she's sexy and I can look at her for hours. I'm not wearing her now as a full mani but I'm really looking forward to that,

I've got lots of pictures, they are all made by daylight, they can be clicked for a larger view, enjoy!