Yesterday was my Birthday and I wore a very festive polish: Rescue Beauty Lounge's Locavore. This polish is just a party in a bottle!

Een transparante basis met heel veel goud, groen, turkooise en paarse glitters!
Afhankelijk van het licht valt één van de kleuren meer of minder op, dus de lak lijkt in ieder licht wel een andere kleur te hebben. O, en hij is héél mooi glimmend!
A clear base with lots of gold, green, turqoise and purple glitter.
Depending on the light one of the colours stands out more or less, so the polish seems to have a different colour depending on the light. Oh, and the polish is really shiney!

Prima applicatie, deze lak is met 3 lagen vrijwel dekkend. Ik heb er voor de zekerheid een laagje gouden lak onder gedaan, maar dat was eigenlijk niet nodig.
Nice application, this polish is almost opaque with 3 coats. I used a gold underneath just to be sure, but it wasn't really neccesary.

My birthday was really good, I had so much fun with my friends and family, got spoiled with presents and woke up with a headache. Nice party!

Unfortulately there wasn't a ray of sun in sight yesterday so I'll make another review of this polish ( maybe layered over a different basecolour ) and hopefully I will be able to show you how sparkly this polish is.

PS- Crystal, is Locavore all you hoped it would be? :-)