In the evening I swatched the polishes and they look so tasty, I want to lick them!
I made lots of pics and I'm going to show them all to you. So it's a big post with lots of pictures.
Eerst wil ik graag Heli-Yum aan jullie laten zien
Heli-yum doet me denken aan frambozen sorbetijs, zomer, mooie open zomerschoentjes, strand, cocktails...jammie
First I would like to show you Heli-Yum
Heli-Yum reminds me of raspberry sorbet, summer, fancy summersandals, beach, cocktails...yummie

reddish-pink creme, more pink then red, it's a bright uplifting colour and the polish is extremely glossy, I wear no topcoat on these pictures. It looks like lipgloss on your nails. Applicatie
De lak smeert fijn, lekker glad. Omdat de lak een klein beetje transparant is heb je minimaal 2 lagen nodig voor een mooi resultaat, maar dan kan je wel nog een klein beetje je nagel door de lak heen zien. Daarom heb ik op deze foto's 3 lagen op voor een perfect resultaat.
Nice, smooth application. Because the polish is a bit sheer you need at least 2 coats for a good result., but you can have some visible nail lines. That's why I wear 3 coats for a perfect result.

Heli-Yum must be perfect for you happy summer tootsies
And then I have Lemon Fizz for you
Lemon Fizz reminds me of spring, crocusses, easter-chicks and bananamilkshakes

Lemon Fizz is lichtgeel creme, maar toch is het een heldere opvallende kleur die prachtig glanzend is. Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik dit me leuk zou vinden staan, maar nu kan ik niet wachten tot de lente begint!
Lemon Fizz is a light yellow creme, but still stands out and it's also very glossy. I never thought light yellow would look good on me, but it does! I can't wait till spring!

Application of this polish was a bit tricky, the polish is a bit sheer and it's streeky. For a beautiful result you need at least 3 coats, maybe even 4. On these pictures I wear 3 coats. I advise you to apply 2 thin coats of polish and finish it with a nice thick coat to even it out.

Als laatste wil ik Irene van American Industries hartelijk bedanken voor het toezenden van deze leuke lakjes. Dankjewel Irene!
This was a long story with a lot of pictures. I hope you had fun reading and watching.
Last but not least I would like to thank Irene from American Industries for sending me these cute polishes. Thank you Irene!